Effective today, our training center is now closed as ordered by Broward County. We will not be teaching lessons during the closure.
We know many of you are going through similar struggles with being out of work now. If you need to cut back on your expenses and freeze your membership with us, please contact me directly.
I will keep all current student memberships as active unless I’m asked to freeze it. If you can afford it, please keep your membership active. If you want our training center to still be open after this epidemic ends, keeping your membership active will increase our chances of us staying in business.
In return for keeping your membership active, you as a student will get the following:
- FREE access to Krav Maga Worldwide Academy online training. The new KMW Insider section on the Academy includes FREE lessons for each Krav Maga Level (1, 2, 3, and Advanced), which are updated every week and follow the official KMW curriculum. All active students will receive an email later this morning with registration and login information.
- Access to the 172+ Student Section videos which have more details, variations, and troubleshooting ideas for the techniques you have learned in our classes as well as what you will learn through the new KMW Insider.
- If you need a place to train, you can sign-up for Open Gym times at www.KravMagaCalendar.com and use our facility. Important Note: Only one person at a time is allowed to use the Open Gym times! And as always, after you finish training please wipe down all the equipment you use with the disinfectant spray and cleaning rags that are in the closet.
- You can upload videos of yourself training and send JJ or I the link to the videos to receive corrections and feedback on your techniques.
- If you need to borrow training equipment such as small and big shields, focus mitts, replica training weapons, etc. please contact me and you can take them home and use them for training while we are closed.
Please contact me if you have any questions, concerns, or need help with anything at all.
Stay healthy! Stay safe!