These videos are available to download through our Facebook Active Students Only Group.  If you’re an active student you can request to join the group.
Here’s how you can practice your Level 1, 2 or 3 defenses against Straight Punches at home without a partner.
I created six videos you can use to practice your Straight Punch defenses:
  • Straight Punches with left hand only.
  • Straight Punches with right hand only.
  • Straight Punches alternating from left to right hand.
  • Straight Punches done randomly with left and right hand.
  • Left/Right Straight Punch combination (for Level 3 defenses)
  • Shows examples of how to use the videos to practice your defenses against Straight Punches.
Each video is about one minute long.
You can download each video and play them on whatever device you want.
I like to use VLC media player for the videos because they have a lot of useful features.
You can download this VLC media player for free:
Here’s a list of training tips for these videos:
  • If your technique or timing is not quit right practice left or right hand only. Then move on to alternating from left to right hand before moving on to random attacks.
  • If your technique or timing is off you can slow down the video by right clicking the video in VLC media player, go to Playback, then Speed, then select Slower (fine) or Slower.
  • If the speed is to slow and you need more of a challenge, do step #2 but select Faster (fine) or Faster.
  • If you want to train your defenses against an opponent who stands in the Southpaw (right foot in front) Stance, go to the top menu and select Tools, Effects and Filters, Video Effects, Geometry, Transform, Flip horizontally. Detailed instructions:
  • To train for longer than 1 minute rounds, put the video to play on a loop. Click the loop button towards the bottom of VLC media player. Instructions:
In the near future, I’ll come up with more videos for practicing defenses against other punches and kicks.
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