
Details and registration: https://www.kravmagatraining.com/product/anti-abduction-human-trafficking-prevention-seminar/
Krav Maga Worldwide self-defense training is about more than just learning to fight. It’s about survival. It’s about knowing what to do, and having the skills to do what you need to, when you absolutely must take action to defend your life or the life of a loved one.

We train for situations like abduction, car-jacking, active shooter events, third party defense, and many more because they’re real, they’re scary, and we want our students to know what to do if they find themselves in the worst of circumstances.

If you don’t train on these sorts of real-world, scary, situations you simply won’t have the skills or tactical knowledge you need to prevail if your life is on the line.

Know what to do so you can fight back and win.