Call Us Free 954-957-5728969 NE 45th St, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33334

New Student Information

Welcome to our Krav Maga family!

Please read the following information that you will find useful as a new student of our Krav Maga training center:


1.  When you participate in your next class you will have a curriculum binder with your name on it waiting for you. Please remind your instructor to give you your binder. This is how we’ll keep track of your progress. All the techniques you have learned so far have been checked off in your binder. Please bring this binder with you to each class.

2.  At the end of class we write the techniques that were taught in class on the marker board next to the entrance door. This is how you’ll know which techniques to check off in your curriculum binder.

3.  We require students to wear a Krav Maga shirt, pants, or shorts to each class to create a team atmosphere. Men should also wear a groin protector. These items are available for purchase through our website store or at our training center. If you don’t like our selection you can also purchase these items through another source like Amazon. Additional details are in your binder.

4.  Men should wear a groin protector. We sell both basic and top-of-line groin protectors at our training center.


5.  Students can train with or without shoes. Most students prefer to train with shoes as it’s more realistic since you’ll probably being wearing shoes if you’re attacked in a real-life violent altercation. Shoes also protect your feet from possible injuries during training. Students can wear any type of shoes as long as they do not leave marks or tears on the training mats. Wrestling or mat shoes such as the Otomix Stingray shoes are a popular option as they are specific designed for training on mats. Otomix Stingray shoes are available for purchase at our training center.


6.  Striking gloves are optional for self-defense classes and required for all fitness based classes. For self-defense classes you should wear grappling gloves if your hands and/or wrist are sensitive to bruising or injury. They need to be grappling style gloves so you can hold the shields for your training partner. For Fitness classes we require all students to wear either boxing gloves or grappling gloves because we do so many punches every class on the heavy bags. Boxing gloves offer more protection and more resistance during training due to the weight. Grappling gloves are more comfortable and lighter but offer less protection for the hands and wrists.


7.  When you arrive to our training center, please do not park in front of our neighbor Karen’s Upholstery in unit #959. Her customers often have to unload heavy furniture so we want to be a good neighbor and leave the parking spot in front of their store available for her customers.

8.  To help keep our training center clean and sanitary, please follow the instructions posted on the floor and clean your shoes on the door mat at the entrance door before entering.


9.  Please do not touch or lean against the mirrors. Let’s keep them as clean as possible for all our classmates who want to do their shadow training in front of them.


10.  We have a YouTube channel that has videos of the techniques we teach in our curriculum. You can use these videos to review what you have learned in previous classes.


11.  All the techniques you have learned so far can be found in our Level 1 playlist.


12.  A good supplement for your your regular lessons is our TASER Krav Maga Training Course. TASER’s are the most effective non-deadly force weapon on the market and is a good long-range tool to use when you can create and maintain distance from an attacker. TASER’s also include a stun gun feature to create incredible pain on the attacker when they are in close-range. For those who have a concealed carry permit, we also recommend taking this course because the TASER and Krav Maga combination training drills are almost identical to firearms and Krav Maga training combination drills. We offer this course approximately every three months and limit each course to 10 participants. Go here for to learn details about the course and when the next available course is being offered:


13.  If you’re on Facebook we recommend you join our Krav Maga student only private group where we post a lot of unique content for our students that we don’t share publicly:


14.  Follow us on social media:  Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

I want your training with us to be a positive experience! If you have questions or need help with anything at all, please don’t hesitate to call or text me at my personal cell number 954-245-5331.  –Randall

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