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Self-Defense Resources

Information, Tips, Advice and Suggestions related to Self-Defense, as well as Personal Safety and Security.

Self-Defense Resources

Situational Awareness

Situational Awareness

by Amy Horn I recently sat down with an old friend Mike who is a police officer in Miami. We were discussing crime (a natural progression when in a conversation with a police officer) and he told me a few stories of street incidents he had been called to. This included things like nighttime muggings, a sexual assault on a…

Use of Force: How Much Force Can I Use to Defense Myself?

Use of Force: How Much Force Can I Use to Defense Myself?

“Use of Force” law has applications in both in civil and criminal contexts. Established principles give civilians the right to apply force to the person of another and to engage in violence for the sole purpose of defending one’s own life or the life of a third party from physical harm, great bodily injury, and/or even death. What Is Force?…

We Only Seek Advice After Failure

We Only Seek Advice After Failure

Winning the Fight of your Back Class Owner/Lead Instructor Krav Maga Worldwide(TM) Official Training Center Pompano Beach, Florida In 1964, the day after Lyndon Johnson’s landslide victory in the 1964 U.S. Presidential election, a cartoon ran that to this day teaches us something about advice. The cartoon, drawn by two-time Pulitzer Prize winning editorial cartoonist, Bill Mauldin (October, 29, 1921…

Surprise Attacks on Police Officers

Surprise Attacks on Police Officers

 Many police officers believe that they don’t need to learn self-defense because they can rely on their firearms, pepper spray or Tasers if attacked. Any police officer who believes this is overlooking two critical points: 1) most of the time attacks are so sudden that you don’t have time or space to respond with a weapon, and 2) there…

Stop Violence Against Women

Stop Violence Against Women

Are you (or someone you know) in an abusive relationship? Click here to download and print the handout version of this article Abuse has many faces. Recognize any? If he pushes, punches, chokes, kicks, Burns, bites, spits, shoots, or stabs you… That’s PHYSICAL ABUSE. If he engages in unwanted touching, sexual name-calling, uses violence with sex, is unfaithful, or forces…

Viewing a Crime in Progress

Viewing a Crime in Progress

By Susan Bartelstone Personal Safety and Crime Prevention Specialist How to Help Safely! Someone sent me a video clip of a segment from the TODAY show called “Protecting Your Kids.” The clip showed several simulated abduction scenarios in which a security specialist played the role of a child abductor and a seven-year old girl posed as the potential abductee. The…

Car Security Tips and Tricks

Car Security Tips and Tricks

by Mike Stewart Make sure your car is locked and your windows wound up. This sounds ridiculously obvious but make sure you secure your car carefully wherever you are parked. Research shows loads of people leave their doors unlocked and/or their windows open a large proportion of the time. Check all your entry points are secure – are all the…

Home Security Tips

Home Security Tips

While it’s difficult to protect your home from professional thieves, most home burglaries are done by amateurs. These thieves are more easily thwarted if you employ some of these simple security precautions: Plan to “burglarize” yourself. You’ll discover any weaknesses in your security system that may have previously escaped your notice. Lock up your home, even if you go out…

Using Defense Sprays: Tips

Using Defense Sprays: Tips

Thinking about getting Mace or Pepper Spray for protection? Before you buy that canister, here are some tips. A GOOD DEFENSIVE OPTION. Defense sprays have been around for over 25 years, primarily used by law enforcement and emergency service personnel. They’re inexpensive, easy to carry (and conceal), and simple to use. When offered within the context of proper training and…

Date Rape / Acquaintance Rape Prevention Tips

Date Rape / Acquaintance Rape Prevention Tips

By Susan Bartelstone Personal Safety and Crime Prevention Specialist Date/acquaintance rape is defined as forced or coerced sex between dates, relationship partners, friends, friends of friends or acquaintances like bosses, coworkers or the guy that delivers your packages. Coercion can be physical, verbal and/or emotional. Emotional coercion tactics that date and acquaintance rapists use include: threats to ruin your reputation;…

Crime Prevention 101 Radio Show

Crime Prevention 101 Radio Show

The personal safety radio show with an optimistic perspective on a sober subject. The violent crime rate has begun to rise again, so what’s more important than feeling at ease and secure in your daily life? The best way to reduce fear is to get the information, tips and resources that’ll keep you confident and safe. Tune in for…. heartbreaking,…

Top Ten Threats to Men

Top Ten Threats to Men

Krav Maga training is a good workout! Students come to learn to protect themselves but also get in shape due to the training drills and exercises in a Krav Maga class. We teach Levels 1-5 of the Krav Maga Worldwide(TM) curriculum. The physical activities in each level is progressive. Level 1 classes are designed for beginners to start getting in…

Top Ten Threats to Women

Top Ten Threats to Women

Krav Maga training is a good workout! Students come to learn to protect themselves but also get in shape due to the training drills and exercises in a Krav Maga class. We teach Levels 1-5 of the Krav Maga Worldwide(TM) curriculum. The physical activities in each level is progressive. Level 1 classes are designed for beginners to start getting in…

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